How Walking Kick-Started My Postpartum Fitness Journey
As a mom and a fitness coach, I know how challenging it can be to feel like yourself again having a baby. The journey was overwhelming, and finding the time and energy to focus on your health seems almost impossible.
My Postpartum Journey…
The Importance of 8000 Steps Daily for Postpartum Moms
Walking is the simplest exercise anyone can do. If you stayed active before and during your pregnancy, you'll likely be able to slowly get back to your routine once your doctor gives you clearance. …but do not neglect your pelvic floor work (check this Instagram post) and give yourself grace. It’s so important to take your time no matter where you are at - remember, your body changed so much in 10 months and now you’re finding a new normal!
If you were less active during pregnancy, start slow and gradually increase your activity! Know that if you are experiencing any heaviness or incontinence, while very common, this is usually a sign of dysfunction and needs to be addressed! I highly recommend finding a trainer that is postpartum and prenatal certified to help you along that journey, and maybe even go see a pelvic floor therapist if you are experiencing any issues.
The main purpose of walking is to get your blood pumping and muscles working, helping to tone your body and release happy hormones, all without causing aches and pains. Plus, it’s a great way to build healthy habits for you and your family! I love seeing the domino effect once you make it a habit!
Don’t worry! Light to moderate exercise doesn’t seem to affect breast milk, but high-intensity workouts can raise lactate levels in your milk. Make sure to stay hydrated and keep eating! To stay comfortable and avoid this issue, try breastfeeding or pumping just before exercising.
If you’re ready to get your postpartum fitness journey started, get your walk in today! I have a variety of core and breathing workouts you can incorporate into your postpartum journey on BGTV, as early as just a few weeks after!